A Birthday Party to Recall Our Childhood
When we were children, we were always looking forward to growing up faster and faster, and always thinking that becoming an adult is a great experience.However, when we grow up, we have a strong desire to be kids again. Because there was nothing to worry about.

At this wonderful moment in July, we held a birthday party with the aim of remembering the childhood.
People whose birthday belongs to April, May and June were invited to this birthday party. At the party, our favorite snacks occurring to our childhood were put on the table, like fried chicken, chips, cake, coke and so on. We hope to help all to recall the tastes from our childhood.

In the activity, we wrote celebration cards, on which are best wishes to each other.
Then, the birthday persons’ favorite game began. The Ring Game, popular among children, brought us to feel like returning our childhood and recalled our happy memories.

When the physical game ended, the intelligent game began. Guess the song’s name by listening to the children’s song!
In the end, every birthday person was given the birthday present!